Beat the winter sniffles
With winter underway, here are some simple tips to combat cold and flu symptoms:
Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to your bath or shower floor to allow the steam to clear a blocked nose.

Diffuse a few drops of eucalyptus and lemon in your room diffuser or better still, wear a pendant diffuser to keep your airways clear all day.

Place a few drops of lemon oil, eucalyptus oil and a splash of vinegar in water to clean floors and wipe over surfaces to prevent the spread of germs.

Make a room spray with around 12 drops of eucalyptus oil in a 100ml spray bottle and fill with distilled or clean drinking water. Spray before bedtime to clear your nose before sleep.

Use a Himalayan salt inhaler to clean your airways. Himalayan salt contains essential minerals and trace elements vital to your body’s health and well being.